Crawling Ab Workout

What I am about to show you today may seem a bit odd. You will most likely question it, but you’re going to have to try it before knocking it.

I’m going to be showing you a unique workout that involves 2 crawling techniques that will engage your abs and core better than doing a traditional “ab circuit”. On top of that, your heart rate will be through the roof. This circuit can be used as a metabolic component in your workout as well as a great core training component. I would personally place this circuit at the end of a workout as a finisher.

Here’s the unique circuit that you NEED to try:

The Crawling Ab Workout:

Leopard Crawl (Forward)
Leopard Crawl (Backwards)
Box Plank – 10 Reps Each Side
Spiderman Crawl (Forward)
Spiderman Crawl (Backwards)
Box Plank – 10 Reps Each Side

Repeat for a total of 3-5 Rounds

Like I said, it’s a unique method to working your abdominals and makes for a great finisher at the end of a workout. Give it a try and let me know how it goes.

If you liked this workout and want more unique training methods to train your abdominals, then you owe it to yourself to check out 




    I have a knee replacement (left side) and a hip replacement
    (right side) Will these preclude me from using your crawling
    workout? Thank you Jim Z.

    • Andrew says:

      Unfortunately that is out of my scope to say if you should perform this exercise. You would need to clarify this with your doctor.

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